No, they are different services:
- Support to the secretariat – The management, decision and operation of the software remains your responsibility, our intervention is in order to help you with the basic system configurations, import of information already processed by you, or the loading of content already processed. We ensure technical support, but the management and daily operation of the systems, the decision, communication and handling of matters directly with the participants is your responsibility.
- Management of the secretariat – This is a complete service in which all management, system operation, and direct contact with participants is our responsibility. It is only your responsibility to provide the guidelines for the event.
No, they are different services:
- If you want to make the deferred viewing available, and you do not have the possibility to cut the raw videos of the rights, you must request this service.
It depends:
- If you also requested our technical presence from the beginning to the end of the event, there will be no cost to send and collect the hardware, as the technician who will accompany the event will transport the hardware If you did not request our technical presence from the beginning to the end of the event, you should consider the costs inherent in sending and collecting the hardware.
Yes, of course, the WebApp is a MobileApp and more.
- WebApp is a solution that brings together the best of all worlds. It is an application that runs in the browser of the computer, tablet or mobile phone, adjusting itself to each device automatically and avoids the need to have two solutions when the hybrid event demands it.
- It can also be installed on the phone (it is the user who chooses whether to only consult occasionally or install for a more frequent and comfortable consultation), without depending on the Apple Store or Google Play, as it will always be available at the distance of a simple click.
- When installed on the mobile phone, it is strictly the same as a native MobileApp.
- The WebApp is the next evolutionary step to the native MobileApp
Contact us
- geral@eventkey.pt
- +351 913 647 504
- Call to national fixed network
- +351 912 000 952
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- suporte@eventkey.pt
- +351 221 126 734
- Call to national fixed network
- +351 912 071 792
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